Today I will be giving away a wool zipper pouch to one lucky reader.
I found inspiration (and a tutorial) for these beauties this week. My first attempt turned out pretty good, but I didn't have any beads or other fancy stuff on hand.

I will use the random winner generator on Wednesday at noon. Good Luck!
Can family members win? If not that is fine, I will comment anyway. My favorite part of the spring is seeing the first flowers peek through the ground. Brings color back after so much gray.
That's really cute! My favorite part of spring is that we can leave the doors/windows open and not have to use our a/c! Sadly, in FL that lasts all of one month if we are lucky!
CUTE!!! You seriously are my crafting hero!
Very Cute Jen!!!
My favorite part of spring is the fresh smells and signs of new growth! The reminder that God can bring beauty and new life each season.
so cute!
My favorit part about spring are Tulips!
I just found out about your blog--love your stuff! My favorite part of spring are the flowers and being able to be outside!
Ah, Spring. Spring is my favorite time of year. I even named my daughter's middle name Spring. My newest granddaughter was given this name in her memory. New life. A foretaste of the resurrection.
My favorite part of spring is going to soccer games with you!!!! lol -- but really, my favorite part of spring is spring cleaning!!! haha... seriously though: my favorite part of spring is getting to pull my flip flops out of storage!!!
I am entering Mary who couldn't leave a comment for some reason.
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